Complete Guide to the 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work: John Gottman’s Proven Techniques

Bar chart with the John Gottman 7 principles for making marriage work and their impact on marital happiness.

Key Highlights:

  • Developing a deep familiarity with your partner's inner world, dreams, and aspirations enhances your relationship.

  • Expressing appreciation and respect strengthens emotional connection and admiration between partners.

  • Choosing to respond positively to your partner’s bids for attention promotes healthy interactions and intimacy.

  • Remaining receptive to compromise and dialogue is crucial in addressing conflicts and improving shared decision-making.


Marriage is a complex, evolving journey where mutual understanding and emotional connection are key to longevity and happiness. John Gottman's 7 principles for making marriage work are rooted in extensive research and offer practical guidance to deepen these connections in your relationship. These principles are not just theoretical; they are actionable insights that can help you cultivate a richer, more fulfilling partnership.

If you want to explore the 7 principles more, consider professional therapy sessions. Therapists and counsellors who are trained in couple’s counselling can provide more specialized support.


Table of Contents

A couple plants a tree together, symbolizing the seven principles for making marriage work.

1. Share Love Maps

Love Maps help partners attune to each other's emotional states, which is essential for effective communication and conflict resolution. - John Gottman

Gottman's first principle involves you and your partner creating Love Maps that you share with each other. This principle emphasizes the importance of having a deep, comprehensive understanding of your partner's world - ranging from their fears and hopes to their preferences and life dreams.

The Importance of Love Maps

Developing an intricate Love Map of your partner involves more than knowing their favorite color or food. It extends to understanding the experiences that shaped them, their current stressors, their aspirations, and how they think and feel about important issues. This detailed awareness allows partners to foster a greater emotional connection, reinforce empathy, and enrich their shared lives.

Several studies, including ongoing research from the Gottman Institute, highlight that couples with well-detailed Love Maps tend to experience higher levels of relationship satisfaction and stability. These couples often display enhanced conflict resolution skills because they approach disagreements with a deeper understanding of their partner’s perspectives.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sharing Love Maps

Set Aside Dedicated Time: Choose a regular time that works for both you and your partner, free from distractions and interruptions, to focus on building your Love Maps.

  • Start with a Love Map Questionnaire: Begin with questions like, “What has been on your mind lately?” “What is a current goal you are working towards?” or “What's a dream you had recently?” There are a range of love maps online, like this card deck from the Gottman Institute.

  • Actively Listen and Document: As your partner shares, listen actively without judgment or interruption. Take notes if it helps you remember.

  • Reciprocate Sharing: Take turns. After your partner has shared, you provide your answers to the same questions.

  • Delve Deeper: Move beyond surface-level inquiries. Ask about childhood memories, life milestones, and pivotal experiences.

  • Discuss Life Dreams and Goals: Talk about each other's aspirations, both short-term and long-term. Understand the why behind these goals.

  • Incorporate Daily Check-ins: Establish a daily routine where you spend a few minutes checking in with each other.

  • Explore Emotional Worlds: Discuss each other’s emotional responses to events to understand emotional triggers and comforts.

  • Share and Update on Stressors: Regularly discuss ongoing and new stressors in your lives.

  • Celebrate and Support: Acknowledge and celebrate each other’s achievements and be supportive during failures or tough times.

  • Review and Reflect: Periodically revisit and update your Love Maps as individuals change and grow.

  • Create Shared Goals: Use your understanding of each other’s maps to set shared goals for your relationship.

  • Develop a Culture of Curiosity: Always remain curious about your partner and encourage an environment where asking questions is welcomed.

  • Respect Boundaries: If your partner is not comfortable sharing something, respect their boundaries.

  • Utilize Visual Aids: Sometimes creating a physical representation of your Love Map can be helpful, like a shared journal or a visual board.

Couples who actively work on expanding and updating their Love Maps typically report a stronger emotional connection and resilience in facing life's challenges together. Moreover, knowing the small details about one another can also lead to appreciating each other more, which itself can contribute significantly to the overall health of the relationship.

Illustration of a Love Map from the 7 principles of marriage by John Gottman, essential for deepening partner knowledge and connection.

2. Nurture Fondness & Admiration

The magic ratio of 5 to 1, where there are five positive interactions for every one negative interaction, is associated with stable and happy relationships. - John Gottman

Gottman’s second principle, to nurture fondness and admiration, is essential for building a strong, resilient marriage. At its core, this principle is about maintaining a sense of respect and appreciation for one another throughout the ups and downs of a shared life.

Strategies that Increase Positive Interaction

  • Daily Appreciation: Make it a practice to share at least one genuine compliment with your partner each day.

  • Celebration of Achievements: Whenever you or your partner achieves something, big or small, take the time to celebrate it together.

  • Gratitude Journal: Maintain a weekly gratitude journal where you both jot down things you appreciate about each other.

Impact of Admiration on Marital Satisfaction

Research underscores the transformative power of admiration in marital relationships. A consistent expression of respect and appreciation directly correlates with higher levels of marital satisfaction. Gottman’s research indicates that couples who actively practice admiration are more likely to feel connected and content in their marriages. The positive reinforcement that stems from admiration also creates a buffer against the inevitability of conflicts.

Recent findings also indicate that regular positive interaction, such as showing admiration, can significantly impact the overall quality of the marital relationship. Studies show that for every negative interaction during conflict, a stable and happy marriage has five or more positive interactions - what Gottman calls the "magic ratio."

How to Cultivate Fondness and Admiration

  • Reflect on Past Memories: Sharing and reminiscing about positive memories boosts emotional connection.

  • Respond Actively and Constructively: When your partner shares something positive, responding actively and constructively shows genuine interest and joy.

  • Express Affection Regularly: Physical affection is a non-verbal way of expressing care and admiration.

Visual representation of a couple practicing the principle of 'Turning Towards' each other, crucial part of the 7 principles of marriage John Gottman.

3. Turn Towards Each Other Instead of Away

Gottman's third principle emphasizes the significance of responding positively to your partner's bids for attention. 'Bids' are essentially your partner’s attempts to establish a connection or ask for support. This might involve simple gestures or verbal cues, sometimes as straightforward as sharing a thought or asking for feedback on a decision.

Studies have illuminated the repercussions of either turning towards or away from a partner’s bids. Gottman’s research indicates that marriages where spouses respond positively to bids more frequently are significantly more likely to be stable and happy in the long term. Another study, based on day-to-day interactions, suggests that the simple act of turning towards your partner bids can elevate mood and foster a general sense of well-being in relationships.

Impact on Relationship Stability

  1. Increases Emotional Bonding: Positive responses to these bids show your commitment to the relationship and an interest in your partner’s daily life.

  2. Reduces Conflict: Consistent and positive responsiveness can prevent misunderstandings and resentment, which are common roots of conflict.

  3. Promotes Reciprocity: When one partner consistently turns toward the other, it sets a foundational example and enhances emotional safety in the relationship. This often results in more mutual engagement and attentiveness.

Tips for Turning Towards

  • Active Listening: When engaging with your partner’s bids, show active involvement by nodding, making eye contact, and acknowledging their statements.

  • Verbal Affirmations: Simple affirmations like “I see,” “Tell me more,” or “I understand how that could be tough for you,” validate your partner’s feelings and thoughts.

  • Physical Responses: An arm touch, a pat on the back, or turning your body to face your partner during conversation are powerful non-verbal ways to show that you are engaged and present.

Bar graph depicting the change in partner responsiveness by decade, reflecting insights from the seven principles of marriage John Gottman.

4. Let Your Partner Influence You

Gottman's fourth principle emphasizes the importance of balanced power dynamics within relationships. This principle encourages you and your partner to consider each other's perspectives and preferences, and create collaborative and respectful relationship. By allowing your partner to influence you, you demonstrate that their opinions, needs, and desires are valued and essential to the relationship's success.

Importance of a Balanced Power Dynamic

  • Equality: When you let your partner influence you, it leads to more equality in decision-making. This helpes ensure that both you and your partner have an equal voice and influence in the relationship.

  • Trust: Demonstrating that you are willing to listen and consider your partner's viewpoint builds lasting trust.

  • Conflict Resolution: Shared decision-making can lead to more effective conflict resolution, as both you and your partner feel more heard and understood.

Steps to Increase Mutual Influencing

  1. Active Listening: Practice active listening by paraphrasing what your partner says to ensure you understand their perspective.

  2. Compromise: Work together to find solutions that meet both partners' needs and desires.

  3. Shared Decision-Making: Make a list of upcoming decisions and discuss how you can work together to make them.

  4. Emotion Coaching: Learn to recognize and validate each other's emotions during decision-making processes.

  5. Gratitude: Express gratitude for your partner's willingness to consider your perspective and influence.

Image of a couple holding hands while walking, embodying the unity and companionship promoted in the seven principles for making marriage work by John Gottman.

5. Solve Your Solvable Problems

Gottman distinguishes between solvable problems and perpetual problems, focusing on addressing the solvable ones. Studies validate the effectiveness of Gottman's conflict resolution strategies, showing that couples who use these techniques enjoy higher satisfaction and stability. Experts highlight the importance of applying these methods in real-time to successfully manage disputes and maintain a healthy relationship.

How to Navigate Relationship Conflicts

  • Express Your Needs Clearly: Practice articulating your needs without placing blame on your partner.

  • Soften Your Startup: Initiate conversations about disagreements gently to set a positive tone for discussion.

  • Make and Accept Repair Attempts: Recognize and respond positively to actions that aim to de-escalate negativity during disagreements.

  • Soothe Yourselves and Each Other: Take breaks when discussions become heated to prevent overwhelming emotions.

  • Find Common Ground: Be ready to compromise to reach solutions that make both you and your partner content.

  • Process and Understand Grievances: Discuss the root of conflicts to prevent similar issues in the future.

  • Schedule Time for Compromise: Regularly set aside time to discuss and find compromises on ongoing issues.


6. Overcome Gridlock

Gottman’s sixth principle looks at perpetual issues that may seem unsolvable due to fundamental differences in personalities or lifestyle needs. Research supports the idea of managing deep-seated conflicts rather than attempting to solve them. Couples who work around their issues tend to have more stable and satisfying relationships.

Tips for Managing Perpetual Issues

  • Recognizing Perpetual Issues: Identify deeper conflicts that recur over time, such as those centered on core personal dreams or aspirations.

  • Understanding Each Other's Dreams: Discuss deeply held values and understand each other's perspectives without judgment. Acknowledge each other’s dreams to foster intimacy and trust.

  • Engaging in Dialogues About Dreams: Engage in dialogues to understand each other's dreams, shifting the focus from changing the other person to understanding them. The goal is to understand your partner, not solve the perpetual problem.

  • Make Temporary Compromises: Implement temporary compromises to demonstrate goodwill and provide relief.

  • Create a Culture of Honor and Respect: Build an environment where both you and your partner feel your values are honored and respected. Discuss issues openly and address any lies of omission.

Bar graph showing percentage of couples dealing with perpetual issues, segmented by country, as per the 7 principles by John Gottman.

7. Create Shared Meaning

Gottman’s seventh principle encourages you and your partner to develop a shared vision and cultural understanding to enrich your relationship, making it more resilient and satisfying. When you build shared meaning, it fosters an emotional intimacy that enhances the connection between you and your partner.

Significance of Shared Narratives

  • Emotional Connection: When you build a shared meaning in your marriage, it fosters an emotional intimacy that goes beyond surface level interactions.

  • Conflict Resolution: When you adn your partner share a deep understanding of your mutual goals and values, your approach to conflict resolution shifts.

  • Enhanced Resilience: Developing a shared narrative helps you and your partner to better weather the storms of life.

Strategies for Building Shared Meaning

  • Develop Rituals of Connection: Create small daily or weekly rituals that bring you and your partner closer together.

  • Set Shared Goals: Work together to establish long-term goals, whether they are financial, health-related, or personal achievements.

  • Discuss Relationship Roles: Talk openly about the roles each of you plays in supporting each other's dreams and aspirations, as well as managing your shared life.

Bar graph of percentages of couples engaging in shared activities and rituals, analyzed by country, supporting the marriage principles of John Gottman.

Strategies for Common Marriage & Relationship Challenges

How to Solve Communication Issues

  • Establish Daily Check-ins: Dedicate time each day for a "marriage check-in" to share thoughts, feelings, or concerns.

  • Practice Active Listening: Focus on truly understanding your partner's message, showing that you value their communication.

  • Use “I” Statements: Express your feelings and needs during disagreements using “I” statements to avoid placing blame.

How to Resolve Conflicts

  • Approach with Softness: Start discussions about disagreements with a non-critical tone to prevent escalation.

  • Identify and Make Repair Attempts: Recognize when conversations are becoming unproductive and take steps to de-escalate the situation.

  • Uncover Underlying Issues: Address the deeper roots of repetitive conflicts instead of just the surface-level symptoms.

How to Apply Gottman's 7 Principles

  • Reflect on Past Successes: Consider previous resolutions or strategies that have worked well in your relationship or marriage when applying Gottman’s principles.

  • Establish a Feedback Loop: Discuss the outcomes of new strategies to fine-tune your approach and strengthen your bond.

  • Recognize Negative Sentiment Override: Understanding and managing negative sentiment override is vital when applying Gottman's principles to enhance communication and resolve conflicts effectively.

Bar graph comparing divorce rates in Canada and the United States, analyzed through the lens of 7 principles of marriage John Gottman.

Expert Opinions on Gottman's 7 Principles

Praise for Gottman's 7 Principles

When assessing John Gottman's 7 Principles of Marriage, relationship experts have highlighted a number of significant strengths that contribute to the framework's popularity and success in marriage counselling.

One key strength consistently noted is the method's solid foundation in extensive empirical research. Gottman's marriage principles are derived from detailed observations and longitudinal studies of couples over time, providing a robust scientific basis for the recommendations. Experts point out that this scientific approach increases the credibility and effectiveness of the strategies suggested to couples.

Furthermore, Gottman's emphasis on building positive interactions and the focus on practical exercises for couples to implement is highly commended. Exercises such as creating Love Maps and turning towards each other during conversations allow couples to develop deeper understanding and responsiveness. By bolstering emotional intelligence and communication skills, these practices help maintain and enhance the relational bond.

Another important strength mentioned is the focus on not just navigating conflicts but also building a shared sense of self identity within the relationship. This holistic approach fosters deeper connection and alignment, which are essential for long-term relationship satisfaction and resilience.

Criticism of Gottman's 7 Principles

Some critiques have been voiced concerning the applicability of Gottman's marriage principles across diverse demographics and different cultural contexts. Critics argue that what works for couples in one cultural setting may not be as effective in another due to varying marriage norms, values, and relationship dynamics. This suggests that Gottman's methods might require adaptation to better fit the cultural and personal nuances of different couples.

Additionally, some experts have suggested that while Gottman's principles offer a strong framework for addressing the surface and structural issues within a relationship or marriage, they might not dive as deeply into the psychological underpinnings or individual psychological issues of the partners. For instance, deeper psychological problems such as unresolved personal trauma might necessitate more specialized interventions beyond the scope of Gottman's marriage principles.

Couple engaged in a shared reading activity, enhancing their connection as advised in the seven principles of marriage by John Gottman.

Updated Research and Trends

Recent research and expert evaluations confirm and extend some of John Gottman's foundational principles of marriage that have been identified as crucial in maintaining happy, stable relationships. Here, we review the important findings and trends up to 2024, focusing specifically on how they support or challenge Gottman's 7 Principles of Marriage.

Principle Findings and Trends
Share Love Maps Ongoing studies reinforce the merit of creating detailed 'love maps'. Couples who update their love maps navigate life’s demands more successfully, sustaining a deeper connection.
Nurture Fondness and Admiration Positive affirmations and expressions of appreciation have significant positive impacts on marital satisfaction. Mutual expressions of appreciation foster a stronger fondness between partners.
Turn Towards Instead of Away Responsiveness to bids for attention is critical for marital satisfaction. Couples who regularly turn toward each other have higher relationship satisfaction.
Let Your Partner Influence You Couples practicing mutual decision-making have less conflict and a more equitable relationship. This supports marital happiness and shared authority.
Solve Your Solvable Problems Empathy and active listening are key in resolving conflicts. Strategies focused on empathy lead to more effective problem-solving and fewer recurring conflicts.
Overcome Gridlock Accepting perpetual problems without seeking a solution can lead to a more peaceful dynamic. Couples often agree to disagree, focusing on shared values and respect.
Create Shared Meaning Shared goals and values are essential for long-lasting marital satisfaction. Couples who build a life narrative with joint aspirations and rituals report greater fulfillment.

Additional Resources & Learning Opportunities

If you and your partner are looking to deepen your understanding and practical application of Gottman's 7 Principles of Marriage, many resources are available to support your journey.

Insightful Books

Engaging Workshops

  • The Art and Science of Love: A weekend workshop by The Gottman Institute that provides live demonstrations, exercises, and therapy sessions to help couples understand and implement the 7 Principles.

  • Bringing Baby Home: Designed for new or expecting parents, this workshop assists couples in managing the changes that come with parenthood while keeping their relationship strong.

Interactive Online Courses

Instructive Podcasts

  • Small Things Often: This podcast delivers practical advice and discussions on effectively integrating the 7 principles into your relationship.

Bar graph displaying couple's counselling success rates by various studies, advocating the effectiveness of the principles by John Gottman.


This article explored John Gottman's 7 principles of marriage, which provide couples with a robust foundation for a lasting and fulfilling relationship. From understanding each other’s worlds to maintaining a positive perspective and together solving issues as they arise, these principles serve as guiding lights. We discussed actionable strategies that help you and your partner foster respect, admiration, and deep emotional connection, making it easier for you to navigate the complexities of married life.

Your journey towards a healthier, more satisfying marital relationship could benefit from professional guidance. At Emotions Therapy Calgary, we are committed to supporting couples in their desire for deeper connection and understanding. Book a free 20-minute consultation today and start transforming your relationship with expert insights and personalized advice.

Rod Mitchell, Registered Psychologist

Rod is the founder of Emotions Therapy Calgary and a Registered Psychologist with advanced degrees in Science and Counselling Psychology. He specializes in helping people transform intense emotions like anger, anxiety, stress, and grief into catalysts for personal growth.


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